Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Bf 110G-2, 1/48 EDUARD

Another finished project: Bf 110G-2 from 5./ZG 1 Italy 1943, with the attractive Wespe (wasp) painting in the nose. Finished with Lifecolor and Gunze paints.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Fw 190D-9 1/48 EDUARD

Camouflage is painted with Lifecolor and Gunze paints, aluminium variants on the underside are painted with Alclad metallics. Decals, MIG oils, AK washes and streaking.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Tiger I Late, Normandy 1/35 Dragon

AFV Club tracks added, weathered with pigments. Contact surfaces are polished with Dark steel pigment.