Initially there are mounted 100 Flakvierlings on the chassis of 8-tonner
Zugkraftwagen, by request of Luftwaffe and there how is born this particular machine. In all 800 machines of this type were made until the end of the production in December 1944. In the beginning the Flakvierling system was mounted directly on the rear deck, but late in the war the whole mount was installed. Further, on some machines was added an armored cab and radiator shield. The armored cabs were two types-with riveted overlapping plates and bend ones. On the rear deck were also two types of side panels-wooden and mesh.
The model is very attractive and the usual high standard of moulding from Dragon.We also have three tyres from DS materiel, Magic tracks,photoetch plate for the mesh and other small details , clear parts for headlights and front glass, which will not be used for this machine. The decal sheet is with separate numbers, allowing for reproduction of almost every vehicle of this type. The given camouflage schemes are six:
-Unidentified Unit, Eastern Front 1943;
-Unidentified Unit, Eastern Front 1943;
-Unidentified Unit, Eastern Front 1943;
-Unidentified Unit, Eastern Front 1943;
-2nd Panzer Division, France 1944;
-Unidentified Unit, Normandy 1944.
Pros: attractive vehicle, excellent moulding, good reproduction of the barrels, detailed chassis and engine.
Cons: the biggest is that actually Dragon ommited the parts for the second option of the cabin-that with the riveted overlapping platesнай. Which allows only four of the given machines from the instructions to be built. Also i s missing the rear seat, behind the cab.
Between the ribs of the radiator panel should be space, but in the kit there is none.
Ammunition trailer is not included also..
The missing parts are on sprue G from kit 6542-Sd.kfz.7/2, so if you ant to build the other option, one should contact Dragon.
In all very good model of Sd.kfz.7/1, but the omitted parts for one of the options are the real let doen of the kit. The only aftermarket items I would put will be the four Flak 38 barrels.
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